Monday, May 25, 2009

I just had to say how big my baby is. The other day I went to Costco with my mom to get somethings. One of the things we needed was pull ups for night time. When I went to get them they were $28 for the big box and since Wes hasn't worked very long (he is working now but in someone truck not his) I have had to watch every penny so I asked mom how much the plastic sheets are. We decided to not get the pull ups and go to Wal-mart to the sheets. So that night when I was getting her ready for bed I told her that I thought that she was a big girl and didn't need to have pull ups at night any more. So I put her to bed expecting to be woke up in the night with a wet bed but, when she woke me up at 3am it was to help her on the potty. She has been 6 nights with out pull ups and has not had a wet bed yet. She is growing up on me so fast. I can't believe she is 3 1/2 all ready.

1 comment:

    That's so cool! Good for you / her!!!

    They do get too big, too quickly, but it's fun to watch their little personality grow and change.
