Monday, May 25, 2009

I just had to say how big my baby is. The other day I went to Costco with my mom to get somethings. One of the things we needed was pull ups for night time. When I went to get them they were $28 for the big box and since Wes hasn't worked very long (he is working now but in someone truck not his) I have had to watch every penny so I asked mom how much the plastic sheets are. We decided to not get the pull ups and go to Wal-mart to the sheets. So that night when I was getting her ready for bed I told her that I thought that she was a big girl and didn't need to have pull ups at night any more. So I put her to bed expecting to be woke up in the night with a wet bed but, when she woke me up at 3am it was to help her on the potty. She has been 6 nights with out pull ups and has not had a wet bed yet. She is growing up on me so fast. I can't believe she is 3 1/2 all ready.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wes was gone to Moab from Tuesday to Sunday morning.(May 13-17) So we played also. We went to Reanna's beloved "Dinosaur Zeum"on that Thursday. We went with Grandma Ann, Shannon, and Kyle. It is a great way to kill 3-4 hours. Everyone except for Grandma played in the wet sand.

Reanna and Kyle were the only kids in the wet sand place for a little bit, so they found all the Dinos they could and put them in herds. All the plant eaters on one side with each dino in its own herds. The meat eaters on the other side. Those two are to smart for there britches.

It took some talking to get Reanna to sit for this picture.

The last thing to do is dig for dino bones with a paint brush.

That Friday we went and did a little shopping with Grandma and Grandpa Kirk. Me being the crazy mom I am I bought her an egg that has a lizard in it. Fun I thought. It takes 36 to 48 hours to crack and grow. I thought not bad what is a day and a half to two days. A lifetime to a 3 year old. We put it in the water before we went to bed. I caught her playing with it at 2am and 4am. This picture is when we put it in the water.

This is what it looked like at 4am.

This is a side view of 4am

When I got done with breakfast I went to get dressed. When I came back out I caught her "helping" the egg hatch. I told her that I will hatch all by its self. She then said that she was it mom and had to help just like the dinosaurs have to help there babes.

this is what it looked like after she helped it.
And finally (before it was time) she got to take it out of the water. She wants to do another one but it will be a long time until the next time.
We went to the Zoo on Monday in 90 degree heat. Some of her favorite thing was the elephants. The zoo keepers were having a show when we got to the elephants so they were very active. The keepers had a big block of ice with fruit in it. The elephants were hitting it with there trunks until the fruit would brake off. Reanna thought that was great.
She has always liked the giraffes. We went to the zoo last spring and got to see a baby one when it was only about 1-2 mo old. We got to see the same baby this time. He is about half the size of his mom now.
And this is were she is not mine and Wes's kid. She likes snakes. She keeps asking me if she can have one at our house. Crazzzzzzy girl.
And when you go to the zoo you just have to see if you measure up. She was not to happy that she was not as big as she thought she is.
And to top off the crazy times (mostly in part to J.D. and Dad) we tilled and leveled the garden yesterday and today we planted the garden. Reanna got to plant her pumpkins this year. We didn't plant any last year. She love to go out after the pumpkins start to grow to see if it is any bigger then it was the day before. She has already asked me when they will be out of the ground. If I thought that 1 1/2 days were long what are we going to do for about 10. We will keep you posted on the pumpkins.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

We had a very fun Saturday. We went to find the town of Joy Utah. Joy is an old ghost mining town from the 1800's. It is out by Delta. You turn on the road to the IPP plant . My mom, dad, Jeff, Shannon, Kyle, Reanna, and I spent in the day looking at old mines after we found the town. The town had 2 crumbled foundations and 1 grave.
This is the grave This is one of the foundations.

After we found the town we went to some of the mines. Some of them we could walk into.

this one had a door just inside. Jeff opened it but we couldn't see far back it went.

there was some old equipment left that we checked out.

Check Spelling

we also found some animals along the way. I think that the animals was Reanna's favorite part.

Shannon caught a horny toad and let Kyle and Reanna hold it.

Grandma found a lizard and we tried to sneak up on it. (the lizard is on the rock but is hard to see)

We found pollywog's in a spring. I showed Kyle how to catch them without hurting them. I also let Reanna hold one.

When we got out in some places I got to take pictures of some of my passions. nature pictures.

All in all we had a great time and can't wait to do it again.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

One of Reanna's favorite places is the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. We have been there at least 4 times and we are planning another trip soon. She has this love for dinosaurs. she has learned about 9-10 different ones. she know them by name and most of them what they eat. I need to find a good book that has pictures and the names (how you say them) and somethings about them so if anyone knows a good book please let me know. For our last trip there she talked her dad into going with us. she was so funny she was his personal tour guide. there was a lady there walking around cleaning so she was around us a lot. she was listening to Reanna tell her dad what there names are and if they were in a movie what the name they had in the movie. she also was telling him what they ate. the lady came up to me and asked me how old Reanna was and she didn't believe me when I told her 3. Here are some of the pictures we took from that trip.

in this picture she was standing on her dads shoulders

Sorry I can't make this on go the right way.

Sorry same with this one.
it is a picture of Wes and Reanna digging for bones

This picture is of her playing in the sand and water that they have set up for the kids (and dads that is Wes's hand) to build dams and dig for toy dinosaurs.
For Burke and Rea, Reanna wants to take you next time you are here so when you can call me.